Buddhist Church of Ogden
Special Services & Holidays
Other Information:
Services are held every Sunday during the school year. They usually start at 1:30 pm. However, please check the Temple calendar for our current schedule.
Once a month there is a Shotsuki Hoyo service. The Shotsuki Hoyo is a service held in memory of those temple members who have died during that month. For a list of names for the Shotsuki Hoyo please check the newsletter.
Families may schedule other services by contacting Hirano Sensei.
Special Services
In addition to the regular services, the temple observes a number of special Buddhist holidays throughout the calendar year. These Special Services include: Joya-E, Obon, Hoonko, Ohigan, Bodhi Day, and Hanamatsuri. Please see the GEPPO or the church calendar for specific dates.
These are times to reflect upon and appreciate the intricate bonds that enable us to live. It is also a time to show our gratitude for the teachings and the teachers who serve as guides on our journey toward spiritual understanding. Although we recognize the official dates of these special observances, other than Shusho-E (New Year's Day) and Joya-E (New Year's Eve), the services are held at the Temple usually on the Sunday nearest the actual date. The Shotsuki Hoyo for that particular month is usually held at this time.
Infant Presentation Ceremony (Hatsumairi)
The raising of a child is one of the most important tasks in your life. It is something that should be done with a great deal of thought. Other than the gift of life, the Dharma is one of the most important gifts you could bestow upon your child.The Infant Presentation Ceremony gives each family the opportunity to present their child before the Buddha (Truth) and the Sangha. It is held during the Gotan-E service in May. At this ceremony your child will receive a gift of their first Onenju. For the exact date what the GEPPO or contact Sensei.
Weddings (Butsuzen Kokkon shiki)
The Buddhist Wedding ceremony is a relatively recent development here in America, although the Buddhist Wedding has had a long history in Japan. Since the Meiji period (1868-1912), weddings in Japan have largely been associated with Shinto religious rites. However, in recent years, marriages in large Christian churches have also become common. With the westernizing of Japan, some young couples seem to think that the atmosphere of a Christian church is more aesthetically pleasing, regardless of personal or family religion.
Here in America, the Buddhist marriage ritual is a combination of American and Japanese marriage customs added to a newly created Buddhist ritual. The vows for the ceremony are said to have originated with Shakyamuni Buddha. However, because of the legal nature of our present society, the actual legal marriage takes place with the signing of the marriage certificate. Therefore, the wedding ceremony at the Temple is a presentation of the couple, before Buddha (Truth) and all those present. It is before Truth, family and friends, the couple proclaims their love and commitment towards one another.
The proper Japanese name for this ceremony is Butsuzen Kekkon shiki (Before Buddha binding marriage ceremony). The marriage ceremony consists of chanting, reading of vows and the burning of incense. A number of other customs have also become popular, such as the exchanging of sake, called the san san ku do. For more information, please contact Sensei.
Eitaikyo literally means "Perpetual Sutra Chanting." Eitaikyo is a Japanese Buddhist observance. The Chinese character, "Ei" contains the ideograph for a river with many tributaries that flow out of it. This represents the continuous flowing of a river, leading to the ocean. It refers to perpetual or continuation. The character "Dai" or in this case pronounced "Tai" refers to a period of time or generation. It is an ideograph with the radicals for person and stake or post. It means a place or period of history. "Kyo" is the character for chanting of sutras. Therefore, I feel that Eitaikyo represents for each of us, the continuing flow of the generations upon generations which have allowed us to hear the teachings via the sutras.
The Eitaikyo list is a compilation of members and their families that have contributed to the Temple's Eitaikyo fund. The Eitaikyo fund is a separate fund from the temple's other funds, set aside for use by the temple in special circumstances or emergencies. It is a fund that is not to be used for the general upkeep and day to day expenses of the temple. The purpose of the fund is to have assets available to the temple in case of extreme circumstances. Many temples also use parts of this fund to help bring in special speakers for their Eitaikyo service.
We have an annual Eitaikyo service held in November. This is a special service, usually with a special speaker, held in memory of those individuals who have made a special donation to the Eitaikyo fund. However, each morning service held at the temple is also in memory of those listed individuals. If you would like someone added to this Eitaikyo list, please contact Sensei.
Funeral Services
Understanding death is necessary to understand Life. As Rennyo states in his Letter on White Ashes, "The fragile nature of human life underlies both the young and old." When death comes to a family member or someone near to you, it is often a time of confusion. When your family goes through this experience the temple is here to help you in this difficult time.
Here are some documents to help you with your funeral plans:
Please contact Reverend Hirano or our Board President for Funeral assistance.